FreeEMS  0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-282-g9efc524
9S12XDP512.h File Reference

MC9S12XDP512 register definitions. More...

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#define DVUCP(address)   (*((volatile unsigned char*)(address)))
#define DVUSP(address)   (*((volatile unsigned short*)(address)))
#define AVUCP(address)   ((volatile unsigned char*)(address))
#define AVUSP(address)   ((volatile unsigned short*)(address))
#define PORTS_BA   DVUSP(0x0001)
#define PORTA   DVUCP(0x0000)
#define PORTB   DVUCP(0x0001)
#define PORTE   DVUCP(0x0008)
#define PORTK   DVUCP(0x0032)
#define PORTC   DVUCP(0x0004)
#define PORTD   DVUCP(0x0005)
#define DDRA   DVUCP(0x0002)
#define DDRB   DVUCP(0x0003)
#define DDRE   DVUCP(0x0009)
#define DDRK   DVUCP(0x0033)
#define DDRC   DVUCP(0x0006) /* these pins are not bonded on the 112 pin package but need switching to output */
#define DDRD   DVUCP(0x0007) /* these pins are not bonded on the 112 pin package but need switching to output */
#define PUCR   DVUCP(0x000C) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */
#define RDRIV   DVUCP(0x000D) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */
#define ECLKCTL   DVUCP(0x001C) /* Comes up 0b_1100_0000 = both pins off in normal single chip mode */
#define IRQCR   DVUCP(0x001E) /* 0 in bit 7 makes it ultra sensitive, 1 makes it falling edge sensitive. 0 in bit 6 turns interrupts off, 1 in bit 6 turns them on. */
#define PTT   DVUCP(0x0240) /* GPIO output register, can not be read from reliably, use PTIT instead */
#define PORTT   DVUCP(0x0240) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */
#define PTIT   DVUCP(0x0241) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */
#define DDRT   DVUCP(0x0242) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */
#define RDRT   DVUCP(0x0243) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */
#define PERT   DVUCP(0x0244) /* pull up/down enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */
#define PPST   DVUCP(0x0245) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down */
#define PTS   DVUCP(0x0248)
#define PORTS   DVUCP(0x0248) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */
#define PTIS   DVUCP(0x0249) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */
#define DDRS   DVUCP(0x024A) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */
#define RDRS   DVUCP(0x024B) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */
#define PERS   DVUCP(0x024C) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */
#define PPSS   DVUCP(0x024D) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down */
#define WOMS   DVUCP(0x024E) /* wired OR mode TODO find out what this actually means in real terms. */
#define PTM   DVUCP(0x0250)
#define PORTM   DVUCP(0x0250) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */
#define PTIM   DVUCP(0x0251) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */
#define DDRM   DVUCP(0x0252) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */
#define RDRM   DVUCP(0x0253) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */
#define PERM   DVUCP(0x0254) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */
#define PPSM   DVUCP(0x0255) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down */
#define WOMM   DVUCP(0x0256) /* wired OR mode TODO find out what this actually means in real terms. */
#define MODRR   DVUCP(0x0257)
#define PTP   DVUCP(0x0258)
#define PORTP   DVUCP(0x0258) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */
#define PTIP   DVUCP(0x0259) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */
#define DDRP   DVUCP(0x025A) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */
#define RDRP   DVUCP(0x025B) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */
#define PERP   DVUCP(0x025C) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */
#define PPSP   DVUCP(0x025D) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down AND when IE pull down means I on rising edge and pull up means I on falling edge */
#define PIEP   DVUCP(0x025E) /* interrupt enable, turns on interrupts */
#define PIFP   DVUCP(0x025F) /* interrupt flag, write a 1 to clear it */
#define PTH   DVUCP(0x0260)
#define PORTH   DVUCP(0x0260) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */
#define PTIH   DVUCP(0x0261) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */
#define DDRH   DVUCP(0x0262) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */
#define RDRH   DVUCP(0x0263) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */
#define PERH   DVUCP(0x0264) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */
#define PPSH   DVUCP(0x0265) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down AND when IE pull down means I on rising edge and pull up means I on falling edge */
#define PIEH   DVUCP(0x0266) /* interrupt enable, turns on interrupts */
#define PIFH   DVUCP(0x0267) /* interrupt flag, write a 1 to clear it */
#define PTJ   DVUCP(0x0268)
#define PORTJ   DVUCP(0x0268) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */
#define PTIJ   DVUCP(0x0269) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */
#define DDRJ   DVUCP(0x026A) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */
#define RDRJ   DVUCP(0x026B) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */
#define PERJ   DVUCP(0x026C) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */
#define PPSJ   DVUCP(0x026D) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down AND when IE pull down means I on rising edge and pull up means I on falling edge */
#define PIEJ   DVUCP(0x026E) /* interrupt enable, turns on interrupts */
#define PIFJ   DVUCP(0x026F) /* interrupt flag, write a 1 to clear it */
#define ATD0PER1   DVUCP(0x0277) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */
#define RPAGE   DVUCP(0x0016) /* Used to page table data in and out of visible memory. */
#define PPAGE   DVUCP(0x0030) /* TODO look at the best way to use the flash space in a complete system with a lot of code and data. used by compiler and maybe us to switch flash pages for loading/unloading data. */
#define RAMWPC   DVUCP(0x011C) /* RAM Write Protection register, the pdf document appears to be incorrect for this, best not to touch it. */
#define RAMXGU   DVUCP(0x011D) /* XGATE Upper region limit, this defines how much RAM we give the xgate to work with. */
#define RAMSHL   DVUCP(0x011E) /* Shared memory lower boundary register, this defines the lower limit of the overlap between XGATE RAM and CPU RAM */
#define RAMSHU   DVUCP(0x011F) /* Shared memory upper boundary register, this defines the upper limit of the overlap between XGATE RAM and CPU RAM */
#define SYNR   DVUCP(0x0034) /* Multiplier of result of division by REFDV below, output is new PLL/Bus freqency. */
#define REFDV   DVUCP(0x0035) /* Divisor of external clock frequency pre being multiplied by SYNR above. */
#define CRGFLG   DVUCP(0x0037) /* Clock and Reset Generator flags, we use this to determine when the PLL is stable and ready to use. Also to reset the RTI flag. */
#define CRGINT   DVUCP(0x0038) /* Bit 7 is RTIE RTI enable bit. */
#define CLKSEL   DVUCP(0x0039) /* Clock select register, choose PLL or external clock with this. */
#define PLLCTL   DVUCP(0x003A) /* PLL frequency generator control register, used for setting the bus frequency. */
#define RTICTL   DVUCP(0x003B) /* Divider select register */
#define COPCTL   DVUCP(0x003C) /* COP watch dog control register */
#define ARMCOP   DVUCP(0x003F) /* Computer operating properly timer, we won't be using this at least until we have profiled the running application. it will just cause headaches otherwise. */
#define TCNT   DVUSP(0x0044) /* Timer counter 16 bit (0x0044 TCNT (hi), 0x0045 TCNT (lo)) */
#define TIOS   DVUCP(0x0040) /* Selects input capture or output compare mode for each timer pin */
#define TIE   DVUCP(0x004C) /* Timer channel interrupt enable register */
#define TSCR1   DVUCP(0x0046) /* Timer System Control Register 1 */
#define TSCR2   DVUCP(0x004D) /* Timer System Control Register 2 */
#define TFLG   DVUCP(0x004E) /* Timer channel flags */
#define TFLGOF   DVUCP(0x004F) /* Timer over flow flag */
#define PTPSR   DVUCP(0x006E) /* Precision prescaler for the main timer */
#define TTOV   DVUCP(0x0047) /* Timer Toggle on Overflow output compare control */
#define CFORC   DVUCP(0x0041) /* Output compare force, write a 1 to make the programmed action occur now */
#define OC7M   DVUCP(0x0042) /* Channel 7 output compare other pins control mask */
#define OC7D   DVUCP(0x0043) /* Channel 7 output compare other pins states */
#define TCTL1   DVUCP(0x0048) /* (M,L) 77,66,55,44 */
#define TCTL2   DVUCP(0x0049) /* (M,L) 33,22,11,00 */
#define TCTL1_ADDR   AVUCP(0x0048) /* (M,L) 77,66,55,44 */
#define TCTL2_ADDR   AVUCP(0x0049) /* (M,L) 33,22,11,00 */
#define DLYCT   DVUCP(0x0069) /* Delay counter control register (minimum tooth width) */
#define ICSYS   DVUCP(0x006B) /* Input capture behaviour control register */
#define ICOVW   DVUCP(0x006A) /* Input capture overwrite allow */
#define TCTL3   DVUCP(0x004A) /* (B,A) 77,66,55,44 */
#define TCTL4   DVUCP(0x004B) /* (B,A) 33,22,11,00 */
#define TC0H   DVUSP(0x0078) /* 16 bit (0x0078 TC0H (hi), 0x0079 TC0H (lo)) */
#define TC1H   DVUSP(0x007A) /* 16 bit (0x007A TC1H (hi), 0x007B TC1H (lo)) */
#define TC2H   DVUSP(0x007C) /* 16 bit (0x007C TC2H (hi), 0x007D TC2H (lo)) */
#define TC3H   DVUSP(0x007E) /* 16 bit (0x007E TC3H (hi), 0x007F TC3H (lo)) */
#define TC0   DVUSP(0x0050) /* 16 bit (0x0050 TC0 (hi), 0x0051 TC0 (lo)) */
#define TC1   DVUSP(0x0052) /* 16 bit (0x0052 TC1 (hi), 0x0053 TC1 (lo)) */
#define TC2   DVUSP(0x0054) /* 16 bit (0x0054 TC2 (hi), 0x0055 TC2 (lo)) */
#define TC3   DVUSP(0x0056) /* 16 bit (0x0056 TC3 (hi), 0x0057 TC3 (lo)) */
#define TC4   DVUSP(0x0058) /* 16 bit (0x0058 TC4 (hi), 0x0059 TC4 (lo)) */
#define TC5   DVUSP(0x005A) /* 16 bit (0x005A TC5 (hi), 0x005B TC5 (lo)) */
#define TC6   DVUSP(0x005C) /* 16 bit (0x005C TC6 (hi), 0x005D TC6 (lo)) */
#define TC7   DVUSP(0x005E) /* 16 bit (0x005E TC7 (hi), 0x005F TC7 (lo)) */
#define TC2_ADDR   AVUSP(0x0054) /* 16 bit (0x0054 TC2 (hi), 0x0055 TC2 (lo)) */
#define TC3_ADDR   AVUSP(0x0056) /* 16 bit (0x0056 TC3 (hi), 0x0057 TC3 (lo)) */
#define TC4_ADDR   AVUSP(0x0058) /* 16 bit (0x0058 TC4 (hi), 0x0059 TC4 (lo)) */
#define TC5_ADDR   AVUSP(0x005A) /* 16 bit (0x005A TC5 (hi), 0x005B TC5 (lo)) */
#define TC6_ADDR   AVUSP(0x005C) /* 16 bit (0x005C TC6 (hi), 0x005D TC6 (lo)) */
#define TC7_ADDR   AVUSP(0x005E) /* 16 bit (0x005E TC7 (hi), 0x005F TC7 (lo)) */
#define ICPAR   DVUCP(0x0068)
#define PACTL   DVUCP(0x0060)
#define PAFLG   DVUCP(0x0061)
#define PBCTL   DVUCP(0x0070)
#define PBFLG   DVUCP(0x0071)
#define PACNUS2   DVUSP(0x0062) /* 16 bit (0x0062 PACN3, 0x0063 PACN2) */
#define PACNUS0   DVUSP(0x0064) /* 16 bit (0x0064 PACN1, 0x0065 PACN0) */
#define PACN3   DVUCP(0x0062) /* high */
#define PACN2   DVUCP(0x0063) /* low */
#define PACN1   DVUCP(0x0064) /* high */
#define PACN0   DVUCP(0x0065) /* low */
#define PACHUS2   DVUSP(0x0072) /* 16 bit (0x0072 PACH3, 0x0073 PACH2) */
#define PACHUS0   DVUSP(0x0074) /* 16 bit (0x0074 PACH1, 0x0075 PACH0) */
#define PA3H   DVUCP(0x0072) /* high */
#define PA2H   DVUCP(0x0073) /* low */
#define PA1H   DVUCP(0x0074) /* high */
#define PA0H   DVUCP(0x0075) /* low */
#define MCCTL   DVUCP(0x0066) /* Modulus control register */
#define MCFLG   DVUCP(0x0067) /* Modulus flag (high bit) and input edge indicators (low 4 bits) */
#define MCCNT   DVUSP(0x0076) /* 16 bit (0x0076 MCCNT (hi), 0x0077 MCCNT (lo)) */
#define PTMCPSR   DVUCP(0x006F) /* Precision prescaler for the modulus down counter */
#define ATD1CTL0   DVUCP(0x0080) /* 0 - 3 define which ADC channel to wrap on when doing multiple channels */
#define ATD1CTL1   DVUCP(0x0081) /* External trigger select when enabled in other control register */
#define ATD1CTL2   DVUCP(0x0082) /* bit 7 turns the ADC block on. */
#define ATD1CTL3   DVUCP(0x0083) /* bit 6 means conversion length is 8, bit 2 controls how the registers are used, bits 0 - 1 define freeze mode behaviour */
#define ATD1CTL4   DVUCP(0x0084) /* bit 7 should be zero meaning 10bit ADC, bits 6,5 are the sample period, and 4,3,2,1,0 are the sample frequency clock scaler */
#define ATD1CTL5   DVUCP(0x0085) /* bit 7 sets right justify, bit 5 sets scan mode, bit 4 sets multiplex mode */
#define ATD1DIEN0   DVUCP(0x008C) /* Digital input enable - these pins are not bonded on the 112 pin package */
#define ATD1DIEN1   DVUCP(0x008D) /* Digital input enable */
#define ATD1_BASE   0x0090
#define ATD1DR0   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0x0) /* 16 bit (0x0090 ATD1DR0H, 0x0091 ATD1DR0L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */
#define ATD1DR1   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0x2) /* 16 bit (0x0092 ATD1DR1H, 0x0093 ATD1DR1L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */
#define ATD1DR2   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0x4) /* 16 bit (0x0094 ATD1DR2H, 0x0095 ATD1DR2L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */
#define ATD1DR3   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0x6) /* 16 bit (0x0096 ATD1DR3H, 0x0097 ATD1DR3L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */
#define ATD1DR4   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0x8) /* 16 bit (0x0098 ATD1DR4H, 0x0099 ATD1DR4L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */
#define ATD1DR5   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0xA) /* 16 bit (0x009A ATD1DR5H, 0x009B ATD1DR5L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */
#define ATD1DR6   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0xC) /* 16 bit (0x009C ATD1DR6H, 0x009D ATD1DR6L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */
#define ATD1DR7   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0xE) /* 16 bit (0x009E ATD1DR7H, 0x009F ATD1DR7L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */
#define SCI0_BASE   0x00C8
#define SCI0BD   DVUSP(SCI0_BASE + 0x0) /* #define SCI0BDH DVUCP(0x00C8), #define SCI0BDL DVUCP(0x00C9) (IR and baud control) */
#define SCI0CR1   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x2) /* Control reg 1 */
#define SCI0ASR1   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x0) /* Status reg 1a (rx flags) */
#define SCI0ACR1   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x1) /* Control reg 1a (rx conf) */
#define SCI0ACR2   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x2) /* Control reg 2a (rx conf) */
#define SCI0CR2   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x3) /* Control reg 2 */
#define SCI0SR1   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x4) /* Status reg 1 (isr flags) */
#define SCI0SR2   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x5) /* Status reg 2 (config/control) */
#define SCI0DRH   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x6) /* Data reg high (9th bit bit 7 receive bit 6 send) */
#define SCI0DRL   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x7) /* Data reg low (read and write for receive and send respectively)*/
#define SPI0CR1   DVUCP(0x00D8)
#define SPI0CR2   DVUCP(0x00D9)
#define SPI0BR   DVUCP(0x00DA)
#define SPI0SR   DVUCP(0x00DB)
#define SPI0DR   DVUCP(0x00DD)
#define FCLKDIV   DVUCP(0x0100) /* Flash Clock Divider Register R/W */
#define FSEC   DVUCP(0x0101) /* Flash Security Register R */
#define FCNFG   DVUCP(0x0103) /* Flash Configuration Register R/W */
#define FPROT   DVUCP(0x0104) /* Flash Protection Register R/W */
#define FSTAT   DVUCP(0x0105) /* Flash Status Register R/W */
#define FCMD   DVUCP(0x0106) /* Flash Command Register R/W */
#define FCTL   DVUCP(0x0107) /* Flash Control Register R */
#define FADDR   DVUSP(0x0108) /* Flash Low Address Register R (0x0108 FADDRHI, 0x0109 FADDRLO) */
#define FDATA   DVUSP(0x010A) /* Flash High Data Register R (0x010A FDATAHI, 0x010B FDATALO) */
#define IVBR   DVUCP(0x0121) /* Interrupt vector table base location first byte (second is always 0x00) */
#define INT_XGPRIO   DVUCP(0x0126)
#define INT_CFADDR   DVUCP(0x0127)
#define INT_CFDATA0   DVUCP(0x0128)
#define INT_CFDATA_ARR   AVUCP(0x0128)
#define INT_CFDATA1   DVUCP(0x0129)
#define INT_CFDATA2   DVUCP(0x012A)
#define INT_CFDATA3   DVUCP(0x012B)
#define INT_CFDATA4   DVUCP(0x012C)
#define INT_CFDATA5   DVUCP(0x012D)
#define INT_CFDATA6   DVUCP(0x012E)
#define INT_CFDATA7   DVUCP(0x012F)
#define CAN0CTL1   DVUCP(0x0141)
#define CAN1CTL1   DVUCP(0x0181)
#define CAN3CTL1   DVUCP(0x0201)
#define CAN4CTL1   DVUCP(0x0281)
#define ATD0CTL0   DVUCP(0x02C0) /* 0 - 2 define which ADC channel to wrap on when doing multiple channels */
#define ATD0CTL1   DVUCP(0x02C1) /* External trigger select when enabled in other control register */
#define ATD0CTL2   DVUCP(0x02C2) /* bit 7 turns the ADC block on. */
#define ATD0CTL3   DVUCP(0x02C3) /* bit 6 means conversion length is 8, bit 2 controls how the registers are used, bits 0 - 1 define freeze mode behaviour */
#define ATD0CTL4   DVUCP(0x02C4) /* bit 7 should be zero meaning 10bit ADC, bits 6,5 are the sample period, and 4,3,2,1,0 are the sample frequency clock scaler */
#define ATD0CTL5   DVUCP(0x02C5) /* bit 7 sets right justify, bit 5 sets scan mode, bit 4 sets multiplex mode */
#define ATD0DIEN   DVUCP(0x02CD) /* Digital input enable */
#define ATD0_BASE   0x02D0 /* Maybe use this with a loop to sample them in a compact way. */
#define ATD0DR0   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0x0) /* 16 bit (0x02D0 ATD0DR0H, 0x02D1 ATD0DR0L) */
#define ATD0DR1   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0x2) /* 16 bit (0x02D2 ATD0DR1H, 0x02D3 ATD0DR1L) */
#define ATD0DR2   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0x4) /* 16 bit (0x02D4 ATD0DR2H, 0x02D5 ATD0DR2L) */
#define ATD0DR3   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0x6) /* 16 bit (0x02D6 ATD0DR3H, 0x02D7 ATD0DR3L) */
#define ATD0DR4   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0x8) /* 16 bit (0x02D8 ATD0DR4H, 0x02D9 ATD0DR4L) */
#define ATD0DR5   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0xA) /* 16 bit (0x02DA ATD0DR5H, 0x02DB ATD0DR5L) */
#define ATD0DR6   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0xC) /* 16 bit (0x02DC ATD0DR6H, 0x02DD ATD0DR6L) */
#define ATD0DR7   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0xE) /* 16 bit (0x02DE ATD0DR7H, 0x02DF ATD0DR7L) */
#define VREGCTRL   DVUCP(0x02F1) /* VReg Control Register */
#define VREGAPICL   DVUCP(0x02F2) /* Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Control Register */
#define VREGAPITR   DVUCP(0x02F3) /* Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Trimming Register */
#define VREGAPIR   DVUSP(0x02F4) /* Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Rate High and Low Registers (VREGAPIRH DVUCP(0x02F4), VREGAPIRL DVUCP(0x02F5)) */
#define PWME   DVUCP(0x0300) /* PWM enable register */
#define PWMPOL   DVUCP(0x0301) /* PWM polarity register */
#define PWMCLK   DVUCP(0x0302) /* PWM clock choice register */
#define PWMPRCLK   DVUCP(0x0303) /* PWM Clock prescalers (bits 0,1,2 and bits 4,5,6 control 4 pins each) */
#define PWMCAE   DVUCP(0x0304) /* PWM Center Align Enable Register */
#define PWMCTL   DVUCP(0x0305) /* PWM Concatenate, stop, wait, freeze register */
#define PWMSCLA   DVUCP(0x0308) /* PWM Scale A register */
#define PWMSCLB   DVUCP(0x0309) /* PWM Scale B register */
#define PWMCNT0   DVUCP(0x030C) /* PWM 8 bit counter */
#define PWMCNT1   DVUCP(0x030D) /* */
#define PWMCNT2   DVUCP(0x030E) /* */
#define PWMCNT3   DVUCP(0x030F) /* */
#define PWMCNT4   DVUCP(0x0310) /* */
#define PWMCNT5   DVUCP(0x0311) /* */
#define PWMCNT6   DVUCP(0x0312) /* */
#define PWMCNT7   DVUCP(0x0313) /* PWM 8 bit counter */
#define PWMPER0   DVUCP(0x0314) /* PWM period value */
#define PWMPER1   DVUCP(0x0315) /* */
#define PWMPER2   DVUCP(0x0316) /* */
#define PWMPER3   DVUCP(0x0317) /* */
#define PWMPER4   DVUCP(0x0318) /* */
#define PWMPER5   DVUCP(0x0319) /* */
#define PWMPER6   DVUCP(0x031A) /* */
#define PWMPER7   DVUCP(0x031B) /* PWM period value */
#define PWMDTY0   DVUCP(0x031C) /* PWM duty cycle value */
#define PWMDTY1   DVUCP(0x031D) /* */
#define PWMDTY2   DVUCP(0x031E) /* */
#define PWMDTY3   DVUCP(0x031F) /* */
#define PWMDTY4   DVUCP(0x0320) /* */
#define PWMDTY5   DVUCP(0x0321) /* */
#define PWMDTY6   DVUCP(0x0322) /* */
#define PWMDTY7   DVUCP(0x0323) /* PWM duty cycle value */
#define PWMSDN   DVUCP(0x0324) /* PWM shutdown behaviour register */
#define PITCFLMT   DVUCP(0x0340) /* PIT Control and Force Load Micro Timer Register, high bit enables, low 2 bits force load micro timers */
#define PITFLT   DVUCP(0x0341) /* PIT Force Load Timer Register, low 4 bits force load timers */
#define PITCE   DVUCP(0x0342) /* PIT Channel Enable Register, low 4 bits let the channel count */
#define PITMUX   DVUCP(0x0343) /* PIT Multiplex Register, low 4 bits set which micro time base is used */
#define PITINTE   DVUCP(0x0344) /* PIT Interrupt Enable Register, low four bits control the ISRs */
#define PITTF   DVUCP(0x0345) /* PIT Time-Out Flag Register, low 4 bits set when each counter reaches 0 */
#define PITMTLD0   DVUCP(0x0346) /* PIT Micro Timer Load Register 0, time to start counting from when reaching zero */
#define PITMTLD1   DVUCP(0x0347) /* PIT Micro Timer Load Register 1, time to start counting from when reaching zero */
#define PITLD0   DVUSP(0x0348) /* PIT Load Register 0, time to start counting from when reaching zero (0x0348 PITLD0 (hi), 0x0349 PITLD0 (lo)) */
#define PITLD1   DVUSP(0x034C) /* PIT Load Register 1, time to start counting from when reaching zero (0x034C PITLD1 (hi), 0x034D PITLD1 (lo)) */
#define PITLD2   DVUSP(0x0350) /* PIT Load Register 2, time to start counting from when reaching zero (0x0350 PITLD2 (hi), 0x0351 PITLD2 (lo)) */
#define PITLD3   DVUSP(0x0354) /* PIT Load Register 3, time to start counting from when reaching zero (0x0354 PITLD3 (hi), 0x0355 PITLD3 (lo)) */
#define PITCNT0   DVUSP(0x034A) /* PIT Count Register 0, current value of down counter (0x034A PITCNT0 (hi), 0x034B PITCNT0 (lo)) */
#define PITCNT1   DVUSP(0x034E) /* PIT Count Register 1, current value of down counter (0x034E PITCNT1 (hi), 0x034F PITCNT1 (lo)) */
#define PITCNT2   DVUSP(0x0352) /* PIT Count Register 2, current value of down counter (0x0352 PITCNT2 (hi), 0x0353 PITCNT2 (lo)) */
#define PITCNT3   DVUSP(0x0356) /* PIT Count Register 3, current value of down counter (0x0356 PITCNT3 (hi), 0x0357 PITCNT3 (lo)) */
#define XGMCTL   DVUSP(0x0380)
#define XGMCTLHI   DVUCP(0x0380)
#define XGMCTLLO   DVUCP(0x0381)
#define XGCHID   DVUCP(0x0382)
#define XGVBR   DVUSP(0x0386) /* This is all that is used on the xdp512! 16 bit (0x0386 DVUCP (hi), 0x0387 DVUCP (lo)) */
#define XGIF_0   DVUCP(0x0388)
#define XGIF_1   DVUCP(0x0389)
#define XGIF_2   DVUCP(0x038A)
#define XGIF_3   DVUCP(0x038B) /* WRONG value 0x023B stated in the manual as being both xgate and can3!!!!! should be 0x038B i believe!!!!! */
#define XGIF_4   DVUCP(0x038C) /* WRONG value 0x023C stated in the manual as being both xgate and can3!!!!! should be 0x038C i believe!!!!! */
#define XGIF_5   DVUCP(0x038D)
#define XGIF_6   DVUCP(0x038E)
#define XGIF_7   DVUCP(0x038F)
#define XGIF_8   DVUCP(0x0390)
#define XGIF_9   DVUCP(0x0391)
#define XGIF_A   DVUCP(0x0392)
#define XGIF_B   DVUCP(0x0393)
#define XGIF_C   DVUCP(0x0394)
#define XGIF_D   DVUCP(0x0395)
#define XGIF_E   DVUCP(0x0396)
#define XGIF_F   DVUCP(0x0397)
#define XGSWT   DVUSP(0x0398)
#define XGSEM   DVUSP(0x039A)
#define XGCCR   DVUCP(0x039D)
#define XGPC   DVUSP(0x039E)
#define XGR1   DVUSP(0x03A2)
#define XGR2   DVUSP(0x03A4)
#define XGR3   DVUSP(0x03A6)
#define XGR4   DVUSP(0x03A8)
#define XGR5   DVUSP(0x03AA)
#define XGR6   DVUSP(0x03AC)
#define XGR7   DVUSP(0x03AE)

Detailed Description

MC9S12XDP512 register definitions.

This is the device header for the FreeScale MC9S12XDP512 MCU. It contains declarations that allow access to all of the devices control registers.

These are the full basic register definitions for the Freescale 9S12XDP512 processor as taken from MC9S12XDP512V2.pdf Appendix G

Definition in file 9S12XDP512.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define DVUCP (   address)    (*((volatile unsigned char*)(address)))

Definition at line 53 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define DVUSP (   address)    (*((volatile unsigned short*)(address)))

Definition at line 55 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by sampleLoopADC().

#define AVUCP (   address)    ((volatile unsigned char*)(address))

Definition at line 58 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define AVUSP (   address)    ((volatile unsigned short*)(address))

Definition at line 60 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PORTS_BA   DVUSP(0x0001)

Definition at line 68 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PORTA   DVUCP(0x0000)

Definition at line 69 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO(), and RTIISR().

#define PORTB   DVUCP(0x0001)
#define PORTE   DVUCP(0x0008)

Definition at line 71 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define PORTK   DVUCP(0x0032)

Definition at line 72 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define PORTC   DVUCP(0x0004)

Definition at line 73 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define PORTD   DVUCP(0x0005)

Definition at line 74 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define DDRA   DVUCP(0x0002)

Definition at line 78 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define DDRB   DVUCP(0x0003)

Definition at line 79 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define DDRE   DVUCP(0x0009)

Definition at line 80 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define DDRK   DVUCP(0x0033)

Definition at line 81 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define DDRC   DVUCP(0x0006) /* these pins are not bonded on the 112 pin package but need switching to output */

Definition at line 84 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define DDRD   DVUCP(0x0007) /* these pins are not bonded on the 112 pin package but need switching to output */

Definition at line 85 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define PUCR   DVUCP(0x000C) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */

Definition at line 92 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define RDRIV   DVUCP(0x000D) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */

Definition at line 98 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define ECLKCTL   DVUCP(0x001C) /* Comes up 0b_1100_0000 = both pins off in normal single chip mode */

Definition at line 101 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define IRQCR   DVUCP(0x001E) /* 0 in bit 7 makes it ultra sensitive, 1 makes it falling edge sensitive. 0 in bit 6 turns interrupts off, 1 in bit 6 turns them on. */

Definition at line 102 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PTT   DVUCP(0x0240) /* GPIO output register, can not be read from reliably, use PTIT instead */

Definition at line 106 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PORTT   DVUCP(0x0240) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */

Definition at line 107 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define PTIT   DVUCP(0x0241) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */

Definition at line 108 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by InjectorXISR(), main(), PrimaryRPMISR(), and SecondaryRPMISR().

#define DDRT   DVUCP(0x0242) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */

Definition at line 109 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define RDRT   DVUCP(0x0243) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */

Definition at line 110 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PERT   DVUCP(0x0244) /* pull up/down enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */

Definition at line 111 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PPST   DVUCP(0x0245) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down */

Definition at line 112 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PTS   DVUCP(0x0248)

Definition at line 116 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PORTS   DVUCP(0x0248) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */

Definition at line 117 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define PTIS   DVUCP(0x0249) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */

Definition at line 118 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define DDRS   DVUCP(0x024A) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */

Definition at line 119 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define RDRS   DVUCP(0x024B) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */

Definition at line 120 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PERS   DVUCP(0x024C) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */

Definition at line 121 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PPSS   DVUCP(0x024D) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down */

Definition at line 122 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define WOMS   DVUCP(0x024E) /* wired OR mode TODO find out what this actually means in real terms. */

Definition at line 123 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PTM   DVUCP(0x0250)

Definition at line 127 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PORTM   DVUCP(0x0250) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */

Definition at line 128 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define PTIM   DVUCP(0x0251) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */

Definition at line 129 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define DDRM   DVUCP(0x0252) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */

Definition at line 130 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define RDRM   DVUCP(0x0253) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */

Definition at line 131 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PERM   DVUCP(0x0254) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */

Definition at line 132 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PPSM   DVUCP(0x0255) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down */

Definition at line 133 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define WOMM   DVUCP(0x0256) /* wired OR mode TODO find out what this actually means in real terms. */

Definition at line 134 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define MODRR   DVUCP(0x0257)

Definition at line 138 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PTP   DVUCP(0x0258)

Definition at line 142 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PORTP   DVUCP(0x0258) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */

Definition at line 143 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define PTIP   DVUCP(0x0259) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */

Definition at line 144 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define DDRP   DVUCP(0x025A) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */

Definition at line 145 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define RDRP   DVUCP(0x025B) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */

Definition at line 146 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PERP   DVUCP(0x025C) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */

Definition at line 147 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PPSP   DVUCP(0x025D) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down AND when IE pull down means I on rising edge and pull up means I on falling edge */

Definition at line 148 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PIEP   DVUCP(0x025E) /* interrupt enable, turns on interrupts */

Definition at line 149 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PIFP   DVUCP(0x025F) /* interrupt flag, write a 1 to clear it */

Definition at line 150 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by PortPISR().

#define PTH   DVUCP(0x0260)

Definition at line 154 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PORTH   DVUCP(0x0260) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */

Definition at line 155 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define PTIH   DVUCP(0x0261) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */

Definition at line 156 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define DDRH   DVUCP(0x0262) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */

Definition at line 157 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define RDRH   DVUCP(0x0263) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */

Definition at line 158 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PERH   DVUCP(0x0264) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */

Definition at line 159 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PPSH   DVUCP(0x0265) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down AND when IE pull down means I on rising edge and pull up means I on falling edge */

Definition at line 160 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initInterrupts().

#define PIEH   DVUCP(0x0266) /* interrupt enable, turns on interrupts */

Definition at line 161 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initInterrupts().

#define PIFH   DVUCP(0x0267) /* interrupt flag, write a 1 to clear it */

Definition at line 162 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initInterrupts(), and PortHISR().

#define PTJ   DVUCP(0x0268)

Definition at line 166 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PORTJ   DVUCP(0x0268) /* Duplicate definition for consistency */

Definition at line 167 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define PTIJ   DVUCP(0x0269) /* read only port state bits, always return the state of the pin, can be used to detect overload on outputs */

Definition at line 168 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define DDRJ   DVUCP(0x026A) /* TODO configure all IO as outputs until we need it */

Definition at line 169 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initGPIO().

#define RDRJ   DVUCP(0x026B) /* reduced drive register when used as output, 0 = full drive, 1 = reduced drive */

Definition at line 170 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PERJ   DVUCP(0x026C) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */

Definition at line 171 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PPSJ   DVUCP(0x026D) /* 0 = pull up, 1 = pull down AND when IE pull down means I on rising edge and pull up means I on falling edge */

Definition at line 172 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PIEJ   DVUCP(0x026E) /* interrupt enable, turns on interrupts */

Definition at line 173 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PIFJ   DVUCP(0x026F) /* interrupt flag, write a 1 to clear it */

Definition at line 174 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by PortJISR().

#define ATD0PER1   DVUCP(0x0277) /* pull up enable when used as an input, 0 = no pull up, 1 = pull up on */

Definition at line 180 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define RPAGE   DVUCP(0x0016) /* Used to page table data in and out of visible memory. */
#define PPAGE   DVUCP(0x0030) /* TODO look at the best way to use the flash space in a complete system with a lot of code and data. used by compiler and maybe us to switch flash pages for loading/unloading data. */
#define RAMWPC   DVUCP(0x011C) /* RAM Write Protection register, the pdf document appears to be incorrect for this, best not to touch it. */

Definition at line 210 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initInterrupts(), and RAMViolationISR().

#define RAMXGU   DVUCP(0x011D) /* XGATE Upper region limit, this defines how much RAM we give the xgate to work with. */

Definition at line 211 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define RAMSHL   DVUCP(0x011E) /* Shared memory lower boundary register, this defines the lower limit of the overlap between XGATE RAM and CPU RAM */

Definition at line 212 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define RAMSHU   DVUCP(0x011F) /* Shared memory upper boundary register, this defines the upper limit of the overlap between XGATE RAM and CPU RAM */

Definition at line 213 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define SYNR   DVUCP(0x0034) /* Multiplier of result of division by REFDV below, output is new PLL/Bus freqency. */

Definition at line 227 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPLL().

#define REFDV   DVUCP(0x0035) /* Divisor of external clock frequency pre being multiplied by SYNR above. */

Definition at line 228 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPLL().

#define CRGFLG   DVUCP(0x0037) /* Clock and Reset Generator flags, we use this to determine when the PLL is stable and ready to use. Also to reset the RTI flag. */

Definition at line 230 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by enablePLL(), initInterrupts(), PLLLockISR(), RTIISR(), and SelfClockISR().

#define CRGINT   DVUCP(0x0038) /* Bit 7 is RTIE RTI enable bit. */

Definition at line 231 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initInterrupts().

#define CLKSEL   DVUCP(0x0039) /* Clock select register, choose PLL or external clock with this. */

Definition at line 232 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by enablePLL(), and initPLL().

#define PLLCTL   DVUCP(0x003A) /* PLL frequency generator control register, used for setting the bus frequency. */

Definition at line 233 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPLL().

#define RTICTL   DVUCP(0x003B) /* Divider select register */

Definition at line 234 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initInterrupts().

#define COPCTL   DVUCP(0x003C) /* COP watch dog control register */

Definition at line 235 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by decodePacketAndRespond().

#define ARMCOP   DVUCP(0x003F) /* Computer operating properly timer, we won't be using this at least until we have profiled the running application. it will just cause headaches otherwise. */

Definition at line 237 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by decodePacketAndRespond().

#define TCNT   DVUSP(0x0044) /* Timer counter 16 bit (0x0044 TCNT (hi), 0x0045 TCNT (lo)) */

Definition at line 244 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by InjectorXISR(), and main().

#define TIOS   DVUCP(0x0040) /* Selects input capture or output compare mode for each timer pin */

Definition at line 247 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by decoderInitPreliminary(), and initECTTimer().

#define TIE   DVUCP(0x004C) /* Timer channel interrupt enable register */
#define TSCR1   DVUCP(0x0046) /* Timer System Control Register 1 */

Definition at line 249 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initECTTimer().

#define TSCR2   DVUCP(0x004D) /* Timer System Control Register 2 */

Definition at line 250 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initECTTimer().

#define TFLG   DVUCP(0x004E) /* Timer channel flags */

Definition at line 251 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initECTTimer(), InjectorXISR(), PrimaryRPMISR(), and SecondaryRPMISR().

#define TFLGOF   DVUCP(0x004F) /* Timer over flow flag */
#define PTPSR   DVUCP(0x006E) /* Precision prescaler for the main timer */

Definition at line 253 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initECTTimer().

#define TTOV   DVUCP(0x0047) /* Timer Toggle on Overflow output compare control */

Definition at line 256 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define CFORC   DVUCP(0x0041) /* Output compare force, write a 1 to make the programmed action occur now */

Definition at line 257 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define OC7M   DVUCP(0x0042) /* Channel 7 output compare other pins control mask */

Definition at line 258 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define OC7D   DVUCP(0x0043) /* Channel 7 output compare other pins states */

Definition at line 259 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TCTL1   DVUCP(0x0048) /* (M,L) 77,66,55,44 */

Definition at line 267 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initECTTimer().

#define TCTL2   DVUCP(0x0049) /* (M,L) 33,22,11,00 */

Definition at line 268 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initECTTimer().

#define TCTL1_ADDR   AVUCP(0x0048) /* (M,L) 77,66,55,44 */

Definition at line 269 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initVariables().

#define TCTL2_ADDR   AVUCP(0x0049) /* (M,L) 33,22,11,00 */

Definition at line 270 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initVariables().

#define DLYCT   DVUCP(0x0069) /* Delay counter control register (minimum tooth width) */

Definition at line 274 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define ICSYS   DVUCP(0x006B) /* Input capture behaviour control register */

Definition at line 275 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define ICOVW   DVUCP(0x006A) /* Input capture overwrite allow */

Definition at line 276 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TCTL3   DVUCP(0x004A) /* (B,A) 77,66,55,44 */

Definition at line 284 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initECTTimer().

#define TCTL4   DVUCP(0x004B) /* (B,A) 33,22,11,00 */
#define TC0H   DVUSP(0x0078) /* 16 bit (0x0078 TC0H (hi), 0x0079 TC0H (lo)) */

Definition at line 288 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TC1H   DVUSP(0x007A) /* 16 bit (0x007A TC1H (hi), 0x007B TC1H (lo)) */

Definition at line 289 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TC2H   DVUSP(0x007C) /* 16 bit (0x007C TC2H (hi), 0x007D TC2H (lo)) */

Definition at line 290 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TC3H   DVUSP(0x007E) /* 16 bit (0x007E TC3H (hi), 0x007F TC3H (lo)) */

Definition at line 291 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TC0   DVUSP(0x0050) /* 16 bit (0x0050 TC0 (hi), 0x0051 TC0 (lo)) */

Definition at line 294 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by PrimaryRPMISR().

#define TC1   DVUSP(0x0052) /* 16 bit (0x0052 TC1 (hi), 0x0053 TC1 (lo)) */

Definition at line 295 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by SecondaryRPMISR().

#define TC2   DVUSP(0x0054) /* 16 bit (0x0054 TC2 (hi), 0x0055 TC2 (lo)) */

Definition at line 296 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TC3   DVUSP(0x0056) /* 16 bit (0x0056 TC3 (hi), 0x0057 TC3 (lo)) */

Definition at line 297 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TC4   DVUSP(0x0058) /* 16 bit (0x0058 TC4 (hi), 0x0059 TC4 (lo)) */

Definition at line 298 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TC5   DVUSP(0x005A) /* 16 bit (0x005A TC5 (hi), 0x005B TC5 (lo)) */

Definition at line 299 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TC6   DVUSP(0x005C) /* 16 bit (0x005C TC6 (hi), 0x005D TC6 (lo)) */

Definition at line 300 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TC7   DVUSP(0x005E) /* 16 bit (0x005E TC7 (hi), 0x005F TC7 (lo)) */

Definition at line 301 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define TC2_ADDR   AVUSP(0x0054) /* 16 bit (0x0054 TC2 (hi), 0x0055 TC2 (lo)) */

Definition at line 303 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initVariables().

#define TC3_ADDR   AVUSP(0x0056) /* 16 bit (0x0056 TC3 (hi), 0x0057 TC3 (lo)) */

Definition at line 304 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initVariables().

#define TC4_ADDR   AVUSP(0x0058) /* 16 bit (0x0058 TC4 (hi), 0x0059 TC4 (lo)) */

Definition at line 305 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initVariables().

#define TC5_ADDR   AVUSP(0x005A) /* 16 bit (0x005A TC5 (hi), 0x005B TC5 (lo)) */

Definition at line 306 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initVariables().

#define TC6_ADDR   AVUSP(0x005C) /* 16 bit (0x005C TC6 (hi), 0x005D TC6 (lo)) */

Definition at line 307 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initVariables().

#define TC7_ADDR   AVUSP(0x005E) /* 16 bit (0x005E TC7 (hi), 0x005F TC7 (lo)) */

Definition at line 308 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initVariables().

#define ICPAR   DVUCP(0x0068)

Definition at line 313 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by decoderInitPreliminary().

#define PACTL   DVUCP(0x0060)

Definition at line 317 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PAFLG   DVUCP(0x0061)

Definition at line 318 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PBCTL   DVUCP(0x0070)

Definition at line 319 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PBFLG   DVUCP(0x0071)

Definition at line 320 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PACNUS2   DVUSP(0x0062) /* 16 bit (0x0062 PACN3, 0x0063 PACN2) */

Definition at line 322 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PACNUS0   DVUSP(0x0064) /* 16 bit (0x0064 PACN1, 0x0065 PACN0) */

Definition at line 323 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PACN3   DVUCP(0x0062) /* high */

Definition at line 324 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PACN2   DVUCP(0x0063) /* low */

Definition at line 325 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PACN1   DVUCP(0x0064) /* high */

Definition at line 326 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by decoderInitPreliminary(), and PrimaryRPMISR().

#define PACN0   DVUCP(0x0065) /* low */

Definition at line 327 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PACHUS2   DVUSP(0x0072) /* 16 bit (0x0072 PACH3, 0x0073 PACH2) */

Definition at line 329 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PACHUS0   DVUSP(0x0074) /* 16 bit (0x0074 PACH1, 0x0075 PACH0) */

Definition at line 330 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PA3H   DVUCP(0x0072) /* high */

Definition at line 331 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PA2H   DVUCP(0x0073) /* low */

Definition at line 332 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PA1H   DVUCP(0x0074) /* high */

Definition at line 333 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PA0H   DVUCP(0x0075) /* low */

Definition at line 334 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define MCCTL   DVUCP(0x0066) /* Modulus control register */

Definition at line 338 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define MCFLG   DVUCP(0x0067) /* Modulus flag (high bit) and input edge indicators (low 4 bits) */

Definition at line 339 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define MCCNT   DVUSP(0x0076) /* 16 bit (0x0076 MCCNT (hi), 0x0077 MCCNT (lo)) */

Definition at line 340 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PTMCPSR   DVUCP(0x006F) /* Precision prescaler for the modulus down counter */

Definition at line 341 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define ATD1CTL0   DVUCP(0x0080) /* 0 - 3 define which ADC channel to wrap on when doing multiple channels */

Definition at line 346 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initADC().

#define ATD1CTL1   DVUCP(0x0081) /* External trigger select when enabled in other control register */

Definition at line 347 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define ATD1CTL2   DVUCP(0x0082) /* bit 7 turns the ADC block on. */

Definition at line 348 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initADC().

#define ATD1CTL3   DVUCP(0x0083) /* bit 6 means conversion length is 8, bit 2 controls how the registers are used, bits 0 - 1 define freeze mode behaviour */

Definition at line 349 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initADC().

#define ATD1CTL4   DVUCP(0x0084) /* bit 7 should be zero meaning 10bit ADC, bits 6,5 are the sample period, and 4,3,2,1,0 are the sample frequency clock scaler */

Definition at line 350 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initADC().

#define ATD1CTL5   DVUCP(0x0085) /* bit 7 sets right justify, bit 5 sets scan mode, bit 4 sets multiplex mode */

Definition at line 351 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initADC().

#define ATD1DIEN0   DVUCP(0x008C) /* Digital input enable - these pins are not bonded on the 112 pin package */

Definition at line 357 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define ATD1DIEN1   DVUCP(0x008D) /* Digital input enable */

Definition at line 358 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define ATD1_BASE   0x0090

Definition at line 362 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by sampleLoopADC().

#define ATD1DR0   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0x0) /* 16 bit (0x0090 ATD1DR0H, 0x0091 ATD1DR0L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */

Definition at line 363 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by sampleEachADC().

#define ATD1DR1   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0x2) /* 16 bit (0x0092 ATD1DR1H, 0x0093 ATD1DR1L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */

Definition at line 364 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by sampleEachADC().

#define ATD1DR2   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0x4) /* 16 bit (0x0094 ATD1DR2H, 0x0095 ATD1DR2L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */

Definition at line 365 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by sampleEachADC().

#define ATD1DR3   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0x6) /* 16 bit (0x0096 ATD1DR3H, 0x0097 ATD1DR3L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */

Definition at line 366 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by sampleEachADC().

#define ATD1DR4   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0x8) /* 16 bit (0x0098 ATD1DR4H, 0x0099 ATD1DR4L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */

Definition at line 367 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by sampleEachADC().

#define ATD1DR5   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0xA) /* 16 bit (0x009A ATD1DR5H, 0x009B ATD1DR5L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */

Definition at line 368 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by sampleEachADC().

#define ATD1DR6   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0xC) /* 16 bit (0x009C ATD1DR6H, 0x009D ATD1DR6L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */

Definition at line 369 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by sampleEachADC().

#define ATD1DR7   DVUSP(ATD1_BASE + 0xE) /* 16 bit (0x009E ATD1DR7H, 0x009F ATD1DR7L) */ /* SpareADC (NC) */

Definition at line 370 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by sampleEachADC().

#define SCI0_BASE   0x00C8

Definition at line 430 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define SCI0BD   DVUSP(SCI0_BASE + 0x0) /* #define SCI0BDH DVUCP(0x00C8), #define SCI0BDL DVUCP(0x00C9) (IR and baud control) */

Definition at line 432 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initSCIStuff().

#define SCI0CR1   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x2) /* Control reg 1 */

Definition at line 433 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initSCIStuff().

#define SCI0ASR1   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x0) /* Status reg 1a (rx flags) */

Definition at line 435 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define SCI0ACR1   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x1) /* Control reg 1a (rx conf) */

Definition at line 436 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define SCI0ACR2   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x2) /* Control reg 2a (rx conf) */

Definition at line 437 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define SCI0CR2   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x3) /* Control reg 2 */

Definition at line 439 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by finaliseAndSend(), initSCIStuff(), resetReceiveState(), and SCI0ISR().

#define SCI0SR1   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x4) /* Status reg 1 (isr flags) */

Definition at line 440 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by resetReceiveState(), and SCI0ISR().

#define SCI0SR2   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x5) /* Status reg 2 (config/control) */

Definition at line 441 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define SCI0DRH   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x6) /* Data reg high (9th bit bit 7 receive bit 6 send) */

Definition at line 442 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define SCI0DRL   DVUCP(SCI0_BASE + 0x7) /* Data reg low (read and write for receive and send respectively)*/

Definition at line 443 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by finaliseAndSend(), resetReceiveState(), and SCI0ISR().

#define SPI0CR1   DVUCP(0x00D8)

Definition at line 463 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define SPI0CR2   DVUCP(0x00D9)

Definition at line 464 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define SPI0BR   DVUCP(0x00DA)

Definition at line 465 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define SPI0SR   DVUCP(0x00DB)

Definition at line 466 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define SPI0DR   DVUCP(0x00DD)

Definition at line 467 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define FCLKDIV   DVUCP(0x0100) /* Flash Clock Divider Register R/W */

Definition at line 495 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initFlash().

#define FSEC   DVUCP(0x0101) /* Flash Security Register R */

Definition at line 496 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define FCNFG   DVUCP(0x0103) /* Flash Configuration Register R/W */

Definition at line 497 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define FPROT   DVUCP(0x0104) /* Flash Protection Register R/W */

Definition at line 498 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initFlash().

#define FSTAT   DVUCP(0x0105) /* Flash Status Register R/W */

Definition at line 499 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by eraseSector(), initFlash(), and writeWord().

#define FCMD   DVUCP(0x0106) /* Flash Command Register R/W */

Definition at line 500 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by eraseSector(), and writeWord().

#define FCTL   DVUCP(0x0107) /* Flash Control Register R */

Definition at line 501 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define FADDR   DVUSP(0x0108) /* Flash Low Address Register R (0x0108 FADDRHI, 0x0109 FADDRLO) */

Definition at line 503 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define FDATA   DVUSP(0x010A) /* Flash High Data Register R (0x010A FDATAHI, 0x010B FDATALO) */

Definition at line 504 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define IVBR   DVUCP(0x0121) /* Interrupt vector table base location first byte (second is always 0x00) */

Definition at line 520 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initInterrupts().

#define INT_XGPRIO   DVUCP(0x0126)

Definition at line 521 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define INT_CFADDR   DVUCP(0x0127)

Definition at line 522 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define INT_CFDATA0   DVUCP(0x0128)

Definition at line 523 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define INT_CFDATA_ARR   AVUCP(0x0128)

Definition at line 524 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define INT_CFDATA1   DVUCP(0x0129)

Definition at line 525 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define INT_CFDATA2   DVUCP(0x012A)

Definition at line 526 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define INT_CFDATA3   DVUCP(0x012B)

Definition at line 527 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define INT_CFDATA4   DVUCP(0x012C)

Definition at line 528 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define INT_CFDATA5   DVUCP(0x012D)

Definition at line 529 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define INT_CFDATA6   DVUCP(0x012E)

Definition at line 530 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define INT_CFDATA7   DVUCP(0x012F)

Definition at line 531 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define CAN0CTL1   DVUCP(0x0141)

Definition at line 564 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define CAN1CTL1   DVUCP(0x0181)

Definition at line 648 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define CAN3CTL1   DVUCP(0x0201)

Definition at line 720 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define CAN4CTL1   DVUCP(0x0281)

Definition at line 755 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define ATD0CTL0   DVUCP(0x02C0) /* 0 - 2 define which ADC channel to wrap on when doing multiple channels */

Definition at line 790 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define ATD0CTL1   DVUCP(0x02C1) /* External trigger select when enabled in other control register */

Definition at line 791 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define ATD0CTL2   DVUCP(0x02C2) /* bit 7 turns the ADC block on. */

Definition at line 792 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initADC().

#define ATD0CTL3   DVUCP(0x02C3) /* bit 6 means conversion length is 8, bit 2 controls how the registers are used, bits 0 - 1 define freeze mode behaviour */

Definition at line 793 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initADC().

#define ATD0CTL4   DVUCP(0x02C4) /* bit 7 should be zero meaning 10bit ADC, bits 6,5 are the sample period, and 4,3,2,1,0 are the sample frequency clock scaler */

Definition at line 794 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initADC().

#define ATD0CTL5   DVUCP(0x02C5) /* bit 7 sets right justify, bit 5 sets scan mode, bit 4 sets multiplex mode */

Definition at line 795 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initADC().

#define ATD0DIEN   DVUCP(0x02CD) /* Digital input enable */

Definition at line 798 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define ATD0_BASE   0x02D0 /* Maybe use this with a loop to sample them in a compact way. */

Definition at line 800 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by sampleLoopADC().

#define ATD0DR0   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0x0) /* 16 bit (0x02D0 ATD0DR0H, 0x02D1 ATD0DR0L) */

Definition at line 801 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and sampleEachADC().

#define ATD0DR1   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0x2) /* 16 bit (0x02D2 ATD0DR1H, 0x02D3 ATD0DR1L) */

Definition at line 802 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and sampleEachADC().

#define ATD0DR2   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0x4) /* 16 bit (0x02D4 ATD0DR2H, 0x02D5 ATD0DR2L) */

Definition at line 803 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and sampleEachADC().

#define ATD0DR3   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0x6) /* 16 bit (0x02D6 ATD0DR3H, 0x02D7 ATD0DR3L) */

Definition at line 804 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and sampleEachADC().

#define ATD0DR4   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0x8) /* 16 bit (0x02D8 ATD0DR4H, 0x02D9 ATD0DR4L) */

Definition at line 805 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and sampleEachADC().

#define ATD0DR5   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0xA) /* 16 bit (0x02DA ATD0DR5H, 0x02DB ATD0DR5L) */

Definition at line 806 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and sampleEachADC().

#define ATD0DR6   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0xC) /* 16 bit (0x02DC ATD0DR6H, 0x02DD ATD0DR6L) */

Definition at line 807 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and sampleEachADC().

#define ATD0DR7   DVUSP(ATD0_BASE + 0xE) /* 16 bit (0x02DE ATD0DR7H, 0x02DF ATD0DR7L) */

Definition at line 808 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and sampleEachADC().

#define VREGCTRL   DVUCP(0x02F1) /* VReg Control Register */

Definition at line 812 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initInterrupts(), and LowVoltageISR().

#define VREGAPICL   DVUCP(0x02F2) /* Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Control Register */

Definition at line 813 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define VREGAPITR   DVUCP(0x02F3) /* Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Trimming Register */

Definition at line 814 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define VREGAPIR   DVUSP(0x02F4) /* Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Rate High and Low Registers (VREGAPIRH DVUCP(0x02F4), VREGAPIRL DVUCP(0x02F5)) */

Definition at line 815 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PWME   DVUCP(0x0300) /* PWM enable register */

Definition at line 818 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMPOL   DVUCP(0x0301) /* PWM polarity register */

Definition at line 819 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMCLK   DVUCP(0x0302) /* PWM clock choice register */

Definition at line 820 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMPRCLK   DVUCP(0x0303) /* PWM Clock prescalers (bits 0,1,2 and bits 4,5,6 control 4 pins each) */

Definition at line 821 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMCAE   DVUCP(0x0304) /* PWM Center Align Enable Register */

Definition at line 822 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMCTL   DVUCP(0x0305) /* PWM Concatenate, stop, wait, freeze register */

Definition at line 823 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMSCLA   DVUCP(0x0308) /* PWM Scale A register */

Definition at line 824 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMSCLB   DVUCP(0x0309) /* PWM Scale B register */

Definition at line 825 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMCNT0   DVUCP(0x030C) /* PWM 8 bit counter */

Definition at line 826 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PWMCNT1   DVUCP(0x030D) /* */

Definition at line 827 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PWMCNT2   DVUCP(0x030E) /* */

Definition at line 828 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PWMCNT3   DVUCP(0x030F) /* */

Definition at line 829 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PWMCNT4   DVUCP(0x0310) /* */

Definition at line 830 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PWMCNT5   DVUCP(0x0311) /* */

Definition at line 831 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PWMCNT6   DVUCP(0x0312) /* */

Definition at line 832 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PWMCNT7   DVUCP(0x0313) /* PWM 8 bit counter */

Definition at line 833 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PWMPER0   DVUCP(0x0314) /* PWM period value */

Definition at line 834 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMPER1   DVUCP(0x0315) /* */

Definition at line 835 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMPER2   DVUCP(0x0316) /* */

Definition at line 836 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMPER3   DVUCP(0x0317) /* */

Definition at line 837 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMPER4   DVUCP(0x0318) /* */

Definition at line 838 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMPER5   DVUCP(0x0319) /* */

Definition at line 839 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMPER6   DVUCP(0x031A) /* */

Definition at line 840 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMPER7   DVUCP(0x031B) /* PWM period value */

Definition at line 841 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by initPWM().

#define PWMDTY0   DVUCP(0x031C) /* PWM duty cycle value */

Definition at line 842 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and initPWM().

#define PWMDTY1   DVUCP(0x031D) /* */

Definition at line 843 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and initPWM().

#define PWMDTY2   DVUCP(0x031E) /* */

Definition at line 844 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and initPWM().

#define PWMDTY3   DVUCP(0x031F) /* */

Definition at line 845 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and initPWM().

#define PWMDTY4   DVUCP(0x0320) /* */

Definition at line 846 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and initPWM().

#define PWMDTY5   DVUCP(0x0321) /* */

Definition at line 847 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and initPWM().

#define PWMDTY6   DVUCP(0x0322) /* */

Definition at line 848 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and initPWM().

#define PWMDTY7   DVUCP(0x0323) /* PWM duty cycle value */

Definition at line 849 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by adjustPWM(), and initPWM().

#define PWMSDN   DVUCP(0x0324) /* PWM shutdown behaviour register */

Definition at line 850 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITCFLMT   DVUCP(0x0340) /* PIT Control and Force Load Micro Timer Register, high bit enables, low 2 bits force load micro timers */

Definition at line 854 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITFLT   DVUCP(0x0341) /* PIT Force Load Timer Register, low 4 bits force load timers */

Definition at line 855 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITCE   DVUCP(0x0342) /* PIT Channel Enable Register, low 4 bits let the channel count */

Definition at line 856 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITMUX   DVUCP(0x0343) /* PIT Multiplex Register, low 4 bits set which micro time base is used */

Definition at line 857 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITINTE   DVUCP(0x0344) /* PIT Interrupt Enable Register, low four bits control the ISRs */

Definition at line 858 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by StagedOffISR(), and StagedOnISR().

#define PITTF   DVUCP(0x0345) /* PIT Time-Out Flag Register, low 4 bits set when each counter reaches 0 */

Definition at line 859 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITMTLD0   DVUCP(0x0346) /* PIT Micro Timer Load Register 0, time to start counting from when reaching zero */

Definition at line 860 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITMTLD1   DVUCP(0x0347) /* PIT Micro Timer Load Register 1, time to start counting from when reaching zero */

Definition at line 861 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITLD0   DVUSP(0x0348) /* PIT Load Register 0, time to start counting from when reaching zero (0x0348 PITLD0 (hi), 0x0349 PITLD0 (lo)) */

Definition at line 862 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITLD1   DVUSP(0x034C) /* PIT Load Register 1, time to start counting from when reaching zero (0x034C PITLD1 (hi), 0x034D PITLD1 (lo)) */

Definition at line 863 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITLD2   DVUSP(0x0350) /* PIT Load Register 2, time to start counting from when reaching zero (0x0350 PITLD2 (hi), 0x0351 PITLD2 (lo)) */

Definition at line 864 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITLD3   DVUSP(0x0354) /* PIT Load Register 3, time to start counting from when reaching zero (0x0354 PITLD3 (hi), 0x0355 PITLD3 (lo)) */

Definition at line 865 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITCNT0   DVUSP(0x034A) /* PIT Count Register 0, current value of down counter (0x034A PITCNT0 (hi), 0x034B PITCNT0 (lo)) */

Definition at line 866 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITCNT1   DVUSP(0x034E) /* PIT Count Register 1, current value of down counter (0x034E PITCNT1 (hi), 0x034F PITCNT1 (lo)) */

Definition at line 867 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITCNT2   DVUSP(0x0352) /* PIT Count Register 2, current value of down counter (0x0352 PITCNT2 (hi), 0x0353 PITCNT2 (lo)) */

Definition at line 868 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define PITCNT3   DVUSP(0x0356) /* PIT Count Register 3, current value of down counter (0x0356 PITCNT3 (hi), 0x0357 PITCNT3 (lo)) */

Definition at line 869 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGMCTL   DVUSP(0x0380)

Definition at line 872 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

Referenced by XGATEErrorISR().

#define XGMCTLHI   DVUCP(0x0380)

Definition at line 873 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGMCTLLO   DVUCP(0x0381)

Definition at line 874 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGCHID   DVUCP(0x0382)

Definition at line 875 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGVBR   DVUSP(0x0386) /* This is all that is used on the xdp512! 16 bit (0x0386 DVUCP (hi), 0x0387 DVUCP (lo)) */

Definition at line 878 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_0   DVUCP(0x0388)

Definition at line 879 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_1   DVUCP(0x0389)

Definition at line 880 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_2   DVUCP(0x038A)

Definition at line 881 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_3   DVUCP(0x038B) /* WRONG value 0x023B stated in the manual as being both xgate and can3!!!!! should be 0x038B i believe!!!!! */

Definition at line 882 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_4   DVUCP(0x038C) /* WRONG value 0x023C stated in the manual as being both xgate and can3!!!!! should be 0x038C i believe!!!!! */

Definition at line 883 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_5   DVUCP(0x038D)

Definition at line 884 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_6   DVUCP(0x038E)

Definition at line 885 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_7   DVUCP(0x038F)

Definition at line 886 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_8   DVUCP(0x0390)

Definition at line 887 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_9   DVUCP(0x0391)

Definition at line 888 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_A   DVUCP(0x0392)

Definition at line 889 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_B   DVUCP(0x0393)

Definition at line 890 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_C   DVUCP(0x0394)

Definition at line 891 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_D   DVUCP(0x0395)

Definition at line 892 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_E   DVUCP(0x0396)

Definition at line 893 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGIF_F   DVUCP(0x0397)

Definition at line 894 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGSWT   DVUSP(0x0398)

Definition at line 895 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGSEM   DVUSP(0x039A)

Definition at line 897 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGCCR   DVUCP(0x039D)

Definition at line 899 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGPC   DVUSP(0x039E)

Definition at line 900 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGR1   DVUSP(0x03A2)

Definition at line 902 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGR2   DVUSP(0x03A4)

Definition at line 904 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGR3   DVUSP(0x03A6)

Definition at line 906 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGR4   DVUSP(0x03A8)

Definition at line 908 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGR5   DVUSP(0x03AA)

Definition at line 910 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGR6   DVUSP(0x03AC)

Definition at line 912 of file 9S12XDP512.h.

#define XGR7   DVUSP(0x03AE)

Definition at line 914 of file 9S12XDP512.h.