9S12XDP512.h | MC9S12XDP512 register definitions |
 9S12XDP512flags.h | MC9S12XDP512 flag definitions |
 AUniqueName-Location-Pattern.c | This exists to stop some other decoder from becoming the default in doxygen |
 BenchTest.c | To facilitate testing of output circuits and physical hardware such as injectors and coils on the bench or in the car |
 BenchTest.h | Contains bench test only vars and defines etc |
 blockDetailsLookup.c | Memory block details lookup |
 blockDetailsLookup.h | |
 Bosch.h | Bosch Coolant/Head / Inlet Air Temperature Transfer Table Data |
 BoschM12H-2k0Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.7-SNAPSHOT using the following parameters: |
 BoschM12H-2k2Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.7-SNAPSHOT using the following parameters: |
 BoschM12H-2k49Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.7-SNAPSHOT using the following parameters: |
 BoschM12H-2k4Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.7-SNAPSHOT using the following parameters: |
 BoschM12H-2k6Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.7-SNAPSHOT using the following parameters: |
 BoschM12H-2k7Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.7-SNAPSHOT using the following parameters: |
 changeLogs.h | Doxygen Change Logs page definition |
 CHTTransferTable.c | Coolant/Head Temperature Transfer Table |
 codingStyle.h | Doxygen Coding Style page definition |
 commsCore.c | Core communications functions |
 commsCore.h | |
 commsISRs.c | Send and receive bytes serially |
 commsISRs.h | |
 constantsLibrary.h | Global physical constants and configuration library |
 containerTypes.h | Container struct typedefs |
 contributors.h | Doxygen Contributors page definition |
 coreVarsGenerator.c | Generate and average the core variables |
 coreVarsGenerator.h | |
 counterTypes.h | Counter struct typedefs |
 decoderInterface.c | Shared functions used by all decoders |
 decoderInterface.h | Objects through which a decoder communicates |
 DefaultAFR24RPMx19Load.h | Default petrol AFR data for a mid-90s performance DOHC cylinder head design with square 500cc cylinders |
 DefaultForAlphaN-Load.h | Default Alpha-N load values spaced evenly |
 DefaultLambda24RPMx19Load.h | Default lambda data for a mid-90s performance DOHC cylinder head design with square 500cc cylinders |
 defaultPrimaryRPMISR.c | To be included in decoders that do not use the secondary RPM ISR |
 defaultSecondaryRPMISR.c | To be included in decoders that do not use the secondary RPM ISR |
 DefaultTiming24RPMx19Load.h | Default ignition timing data for a mid-90s performance DOHC cylinder head design with square 500cc cylinders |
 DefaultVE24RPMx19Load.h | Default VE data for a mid-90s performance DOHC cylinder head design with square 500cc cylinders |
 DefaultWith10and20SplitSpacing-Load.h | Default load values spaced at 10kPa from 20kPa to 100kPa and 20kPa from 100kPa up |
 DefaultWith400Spacing-RPM.h | Default RPM values spaced at 400RPM after the cranking and idling rows |
 Denso-2k0Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 Denso-2k2Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 Denso-2k49Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 Denso-2k4Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 Denso-2k6Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 Denso-2k7Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 derivedVarsGenerator.c | Generate the derived variables |
 derivedVarsGenerator.h | |
 Deuces3100-Load.h | Default load values spaced at 10kPa from 15kPa to 105kPa and 20kPa from 140kPa up |
 Deuces3100-RPM.h | Default RPM values spaced at 400RPM after the cranking and idling rows |
 Deuces3100Timing.h | A fairly standard naturally aspirated 16x16 ignition curve |
 DeucesS10Lambda.h | A reasonable default full-range lambda table that suits any engine well enough |
 DeucesS10Timing.h | DeuceEFI's GM 2200 I4 standard naturally aspirated 13x10 ignition curve for DIS ignition systems |
 DeucesS10VE.h | Deuce's GM 2200 I4 engine. Updated 01/12/2013 |
 directories.h | Doxygen directory documentation definitions |
 errorDefines.h | Error ID hash defines |
 EvenTeeth-Cam-16and1.c | For evenly spaced teeth on the camshaft with a single second input |
 EvenTeeth-Cam-24and1.c | For evenly spaced teeth on the camshaft with a single second input |
 EvenTeeth-Cam-4and1.c | For evenly spaced teeth on the camshaft with a single second input |
 EvenTeeth-Cam-6and1.c | For evenly spaced teeth on the camshaft with a single second input |
 EvenTeeth-Distributor-4of6and1.c | Even teeth setup for the early 4AGE distributors |
 EvenTeeth-Template-Xand1.c | Template showing how to setup each available type of even tooth decoder |
 EvenTeeth-Xand1.c | For evenly spaced teeth on the cam or crank with a single second input |
 EvenTeeth-Xand1.h | For evenly spaced teeth on the cam or crank with a single second input |
 FixedConfig1.c | First fixed config block |
 FixedConfig2.c | Second fixed config block |
 FixedConfigs.h | Struct typedefs for fixed configuration |
 flashBurn.h | C header for assembly flash function |
 flashGlobals.h | |
 flashWrite.c | Flash manipulation functions |
 flashWrite.h | |
 flat0degrees.h | A flat 0 degree timing table, ONLY for use with mechanical timing as a basis for a trim table or for finding TDC while setting up an engine |
 flat100Percent.h | A dead flat 100% VE curve to use as a default for typical engines |
 flat10degrees.h | A flat 10 degree timing table, good enough for cranking, and conservative enough for anything powerful, but will bake your exhaust manifold/turbo in minutes if driven on |
 flat15degrees.h | A flat 15 degree timing table, good enough for cranking, and conservative enough for anything powerful, but will bake your exhaust manifold/turbo in minutes if driven on |
 flat15PercentAirflow.h | A dead flat 15% airflow curve to use as a default for untuned Alpha-N engines |
 flat30Percent.h | A dead flat 30% VE curve to use as a default for typical engines |
 flat40Percent.h | A dead flat 40% VE curve to use as a default for typical engines |
 flat50Percent.h | A dead flat 50% VE curve to use as a default for typical engines |
 flat60Percent.h | A dead flat 60% VE curve to use as a default for typical engines |
 flat80Percent.h | A dead flat 80% VE curve to use as a default for typical engines |
 FredsTruck-Load.h | The Load axis values for my truck's very rough tune |
 FredsTruck-RPM.h | The RPM axis values for my truck's very rough tune |
 FredsTruckIgnitionTiming.h | Fred's truck's rough tuned ignition timing table |
 FredsTruckVE.h | Will eventually contain my pre-canned tune |
 freeEMS.c | Here purely for structure |
 freeEMS.h | The main project header file |
 fuelAndIgnitionCalcs.c | Fuel and ignition calculations |
 fuelAndIgnitionCalcs.h | |
 FuelTables.c | Fuel VE and Lambda tables |
 FuelTables2.c | Fuel VE and Lambda tables |
 generalTypes.h | General struct typedefs |
 GenericLambda.h | A reasonable default full-range lambda table that suits any engine well enough |
 globalConstants.c | Global constant values |
 globalConstants.h | Global constant declarations |
 globalDefines.h | Global hash define literal replacements |
 glossary.h | Glossary and acronym explanations |
 GM-2k0Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 GM-2k2Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 GM-2k49Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 GM-2k4Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 GM-2k6Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 GM-2k7Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.6 using the following parameters: |
 GM-LT1-CAS-360and8.c | LT1 Optispark |
 GM-LT1-CAS-360and8.h | |
 groups.h | Doxygen module groups definition |
 HallOrOptical-Distributor-4of64.c | Echos the input on the first ignition output |
 HallOrOptical-Distributor-4of90.c | For simple use on distributor ignition engines with batch injection |
 HallOrOptical-Distributor-XofY.c | Echos the input on the first ignition output |
 hc9s12xdp512elfb.x | The main linker script |
 HondaJSeries-2k4Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.7-SNAPSHOT using the following parameters: |
 HotelHyundai-Load.h | A 16 long set of loads for my hyundai before we have tuning software that supports full tables |
 HotelHyundai-RPM.h | A default set of RPMs for a typical sohc engine |
 HotelHyundaiIgnitionTiming.h | A fairly standard naturally aspirated 16x16 ignition curve |
 HotelHyundaiLambda.h | The Mighty Hotel's Starion TBI manifold naturally aspirated 16x16 lambda curve |
 HotelHyundaiVE.h | The Mighty Hotel's Starion TBI manifold naturally aspirated 16x16 VE curve |
 HotelStarion-2k49Bias.h | Generated by FreeTherm 0.7-SNAPSHOT using the following parameters: |
 IATTransferTable.c | Inlet Air Temperature Transfer Table |
 init.c | Initialise the devices state |
 init.h | |
 injectionISRs.c | Injection ISR substitutions |
 injectorISR.c | Injector ISR shared code |
 interrupts.c | Interrupt Vector Table |
 interrupts.h | All interrupt handler declarations |
 JSeries-12CrankWith6-2Cam.c | Decoder for the Honda J Series V6 engine, using one cam wheel and the crank wheel |
 Listener.c | Prevents main loop from running calculations and finishes quickly |
 locationIDs.h | |
 MAFTransferTable.c | Mass Air Flow Transfer Table |
 main.c | The main function! |
 main.h | |
 mainPage.h | Doxygen Main index page definition |
 memory.h | Memory usage directives |
 memory.x | Region definition linker script |
 miscISRs.c | Miscellaneous Interrupt Handlers |
 MissingTeeth-Cam-12minus1.c | Missing teeth, 12 minus 1, Cam only |
 MissingTeeth-Cam-24minus1.c | Missing teeth, 24-1, Cam only, usually modded Toyotas |
 MissingTeeth-Cam-6minus2.c | Missing teeth, 6-2, Cam only, usually J Series Honda |
 MissingTeeth-Crank-12minus1.c | Missing teeth, 12-1, Crank only |
 MissingTeeth-Crank-30minus2.c | Missing teeth, 30-2, Crank only |
 MissingTeeth-Crank-36minus1.c | Missing teeth, 36-1, Crank only |
 MissingTeeth-Crank-36minus2.c | Missing teeth, 36-2, Crank only |
 MissingTeeth-Crank-60minus2.c | Missing teeth, 60-2, Crank only |
 MissingTeeth-Crank-8minus1.c | Missing teeth, 8-1, Crank only |
 MissingTeeth-Either-XminusY.c | Missing teeth, M-N, with or without cam sync, configured externally |
 MissingTeeth-TestFile.c | For test purposes only! |
 MissingTeeth.h | Missing teeth, M-N, with or without cam sync, configured externally |
 MitsiAndMazda-CAS-4and1.c | Reads Mitsi 4 and 1 CAS units |
 MitsiAndMazda-CAS-4and1.h | Unique MitsiCAS-4and1 setup data and variables |
 MitsiAndMazda-CAS-4and2.c | Reads Mitsi 4 and 2 CAS units |
 MitsiAndMazda-CAS-4and2.h | Unique MitsiCAS-4and2 setup data and variables |
 NipponDenso-24and1and1.c | Reads Nippon Denso 24/2 sensors |
 outputScheduler.c | Precision timed output scheduling |
 outputScheduler.h | |
 packetTypes.h | |
 pagedLocationBuffers.h | Pointers to paged memory blocks |
 PetersJSeries-Load.h | The load axis values for Peter's Honda J Series V6 |
 PetersJSeries-RPM.h | The RPM axis values for Peter's Honda J Series V6 |
 PetersJSeriesVE.h | Peter's rough tune on his Honda J Series V6 |
 R18A1-13CrankWith5Cam.c | Decoder for the Honda R18A1 I4 engine |
 realtimeISRs.c | Real time interrupts |
 regions.x | Region mapping linker script |
 releaseNotes.h | Doxygen Release Notes page definition |
 scalerDefines.h | Global scaling values and macros |
 ScavengerLambda24RPMx19Load.h | Hentai's SD lambda, based off of Ben's default |
 ScavengersMiata-Load.h | Hentai's load values spaced at 10kPa from 20kPa to 100kPa and 15kPa from 100kPa up |
 ScavengersMiata-RPM.h | Default RPM values spaced at 400RPM after the cranking and idling rows |
 ScavengerTiming24RPMx19Load.h | Hentai's SD ignition timing, based off of Ben's default |
 ScavengerVE24RPMx19Load.h | Hentai's SD VE, based off of Ben's default |
 SeansLT1-RPM.h | A default set of RPMs for a worked pushrod v8 |
 SeansLT1IgnitionTiming.h | Sean's LT1 rough tuned timing table |
 SeansLT1VE.h | Sean's very very rough IDE-only tune! |
 simpleGPIO.c | Simple GPIO functionality |
 simpleGPIO.h | Declarations for simpleGPIO.c implementations |
 SimsVolvo-Load.h | A 16 long set of loads for my truck before mtx supports full tables |
 SimsVolvo-RPM.h | A default set of RPMs for a B21A engine |
 SimsVolvoIgnitionTiming.h | A timing table for a Volvo B21A |
 SimsVolvoLambda.h | A lambda table for a Volvo B21A |
 SimsVolvoVE.h | A volumetric efficiency table for a Volvo B21A with a B230F intake manifold |
 Slater-Load.h | A 16 long set of loads for the mighty slater! |
 Slater-RPM.h | A 16 long set of RPMs for the mighty slater! |
 SlaterLambda.h | The slater's rough tuned lambda table |
 SlaterTiming.h | The slater's rough tuned ignition timing table |
 SlaterVE.h | The slater's rough/rich tuned VE table |
 StaticBenchTest.c | Instantiate variables for the Bench Test system |
 staticInit.c | Static initialisation of non-zero variables |
 strategies.h | Doxygen General Strategies page definition |
 syncLossIDs.h | Predefined sync loss IDs to make it easy to lookup and diagnose issues |
 systemConfig.h | System configuration defines |
 tableLookup.c | Table access functions |
 tableLookup.h | |
 tableTypes.h | Table struct typedefs |
 TestDIS.h | A stepped timing test for GM DIS use |
 TestTransferTable.c | Test data for comms |
 TimingTables.c | Injection and ignition timing tables |
 TimingTables2.c | Injection and ignition timing tables |
 TunableConfig.c | Small tables and other live tunable data |
 TunableConfig2.c | Small tables and other live tunable data |
 TunableConfigs.h | Struct typedefs for tunable configuration |
 tuneSwitching.h | Doxygen Tune Switching page definition |
 typeChecks.h | Compile time checks on types |
 unitTestIDs.h | |
 unlisted.h | Doxygen Unlisted Files page definition |
 utils.c | Utility functions only |
 utils.h | |
 VR-Distributor-X-Cylinders.c | Reads any signal that is once per cylinder and only has one good edge |
 xgate.inc | |
 xgateGlobals.c | XGATE global vars and pointers |
 xgateGlobals.h | C header for assembly xgate functions |
 xgateInit.c | XGATE init routine |
 xgateScheduler.c | XGATE decoder output scheduling |
 xgateTests.c | XGate Timing and Bit Bang Tests |
 xgateVectors.c | XGATE Interrupt Vector Table |
 xgateVectors.h | C header for assembly xgate functions |